The Brazilian Wandering Spider, also known as the “ Banana Spider”, can be found in the jungles of South America. It does not have a web like standard spiders and can be found wondering on the jungle floor, hence its name. Though the jungle is this spiders natural habitat it is also commonly found in peoples homes. This spider is a very aggressive spider and tends to be nervous. This spider is commonly found hidden in the vegetation of banana trees and has been found stowed away in banana crates. This spider is known to be the most deadly spider in the Americas. The venom of this spider can be fatal to a mouse in a dose as small as 0.006mg! The Brazilian Wandering Spiders venom is also a neurotoxin and is very painful due to it release of serotonin. An interesting side effect of this spiders bite is that it is known to cause priapism, an erection that can last longer than four hours. Now this is one hardcore spider
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